
I hate people who vandalise national library books by tearing. Every single books in the library are shared, how can tear out any just pages like that? SO inconsiderate! In Fury now!!! GGARHH! %@&%#*!&, how can you do this!!! Why DO THIS!!!!! This is a selfish and vandalic act. You can print out or copy out , why must tear away? It's totally unfair to readers like me who wished to enjoy the book but, 5 missing pages, how am I going to continue and complete my story? It is just like I am going to chop off both of your legs and ask you to run in the field, can you run? Zzzz... Horrible humans. A life you know!!
你知道吗?每一本书都是有生命的! I feel sad for that book I borrowed. Amen!

Struggling super hard test paper today, everybody completes faster then me. Break time, I am still struggling, almost gone berserk. While the girls gone for their happyhour, the unpleasant side of guys surfaced. They watched funny but dirty YouTube(?) and songs, entertaining themselves. Seriously I think they forgotten that I am a girl. So when they played "THAT" loudly and I turned my head, they somehow trying to cover the flat monitor screen with a worksheets. I ignored. And again! I turned back again. This time covering the face, not the screen anymore. LOL! What reaction should I have? I know sharing is good but ... sharing at home will be nicer, isnt it? Aiyo @__@

Most of us encounter inconsiderate people on a daily basis. It's the person at the mall who neglects to hold a door open for you, or the woman at the grocery store who inadvertently cuts in line in front of you. Inconsiderate behavior can drain our spirits and leave us feeling irritable and cranky. It can wound our image of basic human nature and convert us to negative individuals. It can even make us behave rudely in response to inconsiderate behavior. We can probably all agree that there is no way to stop inconsiderate behavior from occurring. However, we do have control over how we respond to the inconsiderate people we meet. We can choose to become negative, or we can decide to exchange rude-for-rude. There is a better way that will keep us on a positive track and maybe change the attitudes of a few inconsiderate folks in the process. Some people call it killing them with kindness. By taking the higher road and meeting rude, inconsiderate behavior with a smile and a kind word, we just might be able to make the world we live in a little bit better place.


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